Company News
May 22, 2021:
Today has release 3 new IP Cores:
1. AES IP Core, incl. ECB, CBC, XTS/XEX
and BitLocker support
2. HASH IP Core, incl. MD5, SHA1, SAH256
3. ZLIB compression/decompression IP Core,
compatible with ZLIB -
March 6, 2019:
7nm custom ASIC now available. ASICS World Services now offers leading edge ASIC design and fabrication services. Please contact us for more details.
June 4, 2015:
ASICS World Services Announces high-speed SAS Recorder IP Core, capable simultaneous recording to 4 ports at 12 Gbps each. Pure HW solution, easy to use interface.
October 28, 2014:
ASICS World Services Announces SAS Initiator IP Core, capable of 12 Gbps SAS connections and offering up to 4 ports. Providing a total bandwidth of up to 48 Gbps !!!
December 10, 2013: SATA Host IP Core is the fastest embedded SATA Host IP Core on the market, delivering staggering 530 MByte/sec transfer rates ! (Based on 'Performance Test Specification')
September 29, 2011: Announces the availability of AXI DMA IP Core.
September 29, 2011: Announces Native AXI Interface support. All IP Cores will be upgraded to provide native AXI4 and AXI streaming interfaces
July 6, 2011: Announces the availability of DVB-T2 and DVB-S2 BCH Encoder IP Cores.
July 6, 2011: Announces support for Altera Stratix 4 devices for it's SATA IP Cores
June 11, 2010: SATA Host IP Core has been SATA compliance certified by UNH testing laboratories, to be fully complaint to the SATA Interoperability Unified Test Program. Full test report is available upon request.