Welcome to Asics.ws!
ASICS.ws is a design house specializing in ASIC/FPGA design. We provide a wide range of expertise, including:
Networking, CPUs, DSPs, DSP functions, interface controllers, storage controllers, encryption/decryption, visualization, etc., etc.
We have been in the business for many many years. Company names change, the service does not ! Our proven track record speaks for it self: More than 80% of our business is from returning customers.
Company News
May 22, 2021:
Today ASICS.ws has release 3 new IP Cores:
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1. AES IP Core, incl. ECB, CBC, XTS/XEX
and BitLocker support
2. HASH IP Core, incl. MD5, SHA1, SAH256
3. ZLIB compression/decompression IP Core,
compatible with ZL -
March 6, 2019:
7nm custom ASIC now available. ASICS World Services now offers leading edge ASIC design and fabrication services. Please contact us for more details.
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June 4, 2015:
ASICS World Services Announces high-speed SAS Recorder IP Core, capable simultaneous recording to 4 ports at 12 Gbps each. Pure HW solution, easy to use interface.
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October 28, 2014:
ASICS World Services Announces SAS Initiator IP Core, capable of 12 Gbps SAS connections and offering up to 4 ports. Providing a total bandwidth of up to 48 Gbps !!!
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20 Years of Free IP-Cores
We have recently celebrated our 15 Year Anniversary of providing Free IP-Cores !
ASICS.ws was the first company to provide free IP-Cores. Today ASICS.ws is the leader in quality Free IP-Cores, and provides a variety of services to make the integration, modification and validation of Free IP cores complete. All IP-Cores from ASICS.ws are high quality IP-Cores that come with documentation and test bench.
In The Press
- September 5, 2010 ASICS World Services Joins Xilinx AllianceCORE and Common License Consortium Programs
- June 11, 2010 ASICS World Services, LTD, achieves SATA Compliance Certification
- June 27, 2005 ASICS World Services, LTD, achieves USB 2.0 HS-OTG Certification