USB 2.0 OTG SMSC Demo Platform


The USB 2.0 OTG Demo Platform has been developed to demonstrate the capabilities and features of the ASICS World Services USB 2.0 OTG IP Core. Together with an external ULPI compliant PHY Chip, like the USB3300 from SMSC, it presents a complete USB 2.0 OTG Solution.

SMSC PHY     Certified


The evaluation platform consists of an FPGA development board with a Xilinx Virtex 4 FPGA and a daughter card holding various OTG compliant physical interface chips. The fifth generation PHY daughter card from provide a choice of a variety of different PHYs. A bit-stream file is included which can be directly downloaded into the evaluation board. The evaluation system consists of a Xilinx MicroBlaze based SoC, the Certified USB 2.0 OTG IP Core, and a certified USB OTG PHY fomr SMSC. The evaluation platform connects to an RS232 terminal interface via a serial cable, and provides a USB OTG AB plug for demonstration of the OTG IP Core.

The demonstration consist of two parts:

1) When the USB 2.0 OTG IP Core is plugged into an USB host, it will operate as a standard Storage Class Device. This device is automatically recognized by most operating systems and will become operational immediately.
2) When another device is plugged into the USB 2.0 OTG IP Core, enumerate the device, and if it is a supported storage class device, it will display the contents of the file "foobar.txt" if it can be found in the root directory.


To use the USB 2.0 OTG Eval Kit, the following items are required: The FPGA development board can be obtained directly from Memec/Insight. The PHY Eval board can be purchased directly from The purchase price of the PHY Eval board will be fully credited towards the purchase of the USB 2.0 OTG IP Core.

For more information or to order the PHY daughter card, please contact ASICS World Services, LTD.